Liebster Award Nomination

img_2432-0Hello again, I don’t usually post on a Thursday but I was very nicely nominated for another award 🙂 This time I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the very lovely Amy at Amysbeautydiary. Thanks Amy its very much appreciated and if you haven’t then go check out her blog, its fab!

The Rules:

1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
3. Write 5 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5 bloggers (they should have less than 3000 followers)
5. Answer 5 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 5 questions.

5 Facts About Me:

1.  I am a Vanilla over Chocolate kinda gal.
2.  If I had a dog I would name it noodles.
3.  My dream is to move to London.
4.  Glee is my guilty pleasure.
5. Country music is another guilty pleasure of mine.

5 Blog Nominees:

Zeenat Javed


Makeup by Chelsey

Say Hello to Gorgeous

Beck in a Blog

Questions from Amy:

1. What is your favorite makeup brand?

This is difficult! I have so many favourites I don’t think I can pick one. Probably Benefit, Nars or Urban Decay.

2. When do you write your blogs?

My blog writing varies. Since I’m still off on Christmas break from uni I’ve been spending most of my days writing blog posts for the next few weeks. After that its usually at the weekend or any time I have spare.

3. Why do you blog?

I started my blog initially as a fashion blog as I wanted a career in fashion and after reading fashion magazines I kinda wanted to be able to share my fashion knowledge and talk about trends etc and blogging just seemed the right way to do it. Now being more into beauty I just love reading about beauty and fashion and I love being able to share my thoughts and talk about what I love.

4. What is your all-time favorite nail polish?

Tricky. I don’t know if I really have a particular favourite but if I had to say one it would be Barry M Crush from their Matte collection which has the perfect formula and is a beautiful burgundy shade 🙂

5. What is your biggest beauty tip?

Primer. Its the secret to the perfect base in my opinion. So many people skip Primer but I couldn’t go without it! It makes your makeup stay in place longer and makes your foundation look better.

Questions for my nominees:

1. Why do you blog?

2. What is your ultimate blogging goal?

3. What beauty product could you not live without?

4. What is on the top of your beauty wishlist?

5. What was your favourite beauty item from 2014?

Thanks again to Amy for the nomination 🙂 If any of my nominees do the post then please let me know, I would love to see it!



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